02 9629 2299
Cnr Windsor & Rouse Roads
Rouse Hill NSW 2155


02 4574 3299
Cnr Racecourse & Blacktown Roads
South Windsor NSW 2756

Treated Sawn Pine

Size Length 3.6M Length 4.8M
75×25 H4 $15.50 $17.50
100×25 H4 $20.00 $22.00
150×25 H4 $23.00 $27.50
The rough sawn treated timber is generally used as garden edging along with Treated Pine Pegs and is available in sizes 150mm x 25mm, 100mm x 25mm and 75mm x 25mm . It is treated H4 CCA for insects and decay.
For more information or orders please feel free to contact us on:

Turtle Rouse Hill Ph: 02 9629 2299
Turtle South Windsor Ph: 02 4574 3299
