02 9629 2299
Cnr Windsor & Rouse Roads
Rouse Hill NSW 2155


02 4574 3299
Cnr Racecourse & Blacktown Roads
South Windsor NSW 2756

Pave the way with coloured pebbles and rocks


Your garden presents a wonderful opportunity to merge gardening skills with artistic expressions.

You have so many colours, scents and textures to choose from and arrange. Create eye-catching points of interest, using inspiring paving ideas like this one to weave a unique style through your extended living environment.

Turtle Nursery and Landscaping Supplies supply Sydney landscapers with materials to make dreams come true.

Combine bright, white, Crushed Western Limestone with the burnt sienna tones of Crushed Tile and Griffith Red rocks or the darker coloured Round River Rocks, and Polished Black and Lucky Pebbles to lay paths and paving with stunning effects!

Gravel and stones can be laid out loose and held in place with concrete, stone or timber garden edging. Or you might choose to set different sizes and hues of gravel and stone into concrete, to design your own inviting mosaics.

Use your imagination and you can have a lovely display that draws the eye and the feet to different areas. Pave the way between your favourite trees, shrubs, bench seating, sculptures or other points of interest in the garden.

The colours and sizes available are a veritable palette for the garden artist in all of us. There’s no better time than the present to unleash your creative side!

Wishing you inspiration and many hours of inventive fun as you make your gardens come alive!

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