02 9629 2299
Cnr Windsor & Rouse Roads
Rouse Hill NSW 2155


02 4574 3299
Cnr Racecourse & Blacktown Roads
South Windsor NSW 2756

Sugar Cane Mulch Bale

$20.00 Per Bale
Per Bale
100% natural and certified organic by the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia, this sugar cane mulch enriches your garden with nutrients as it breaks down. It contains no weeds, protects your plants from temperature fluctuations, and reduces weed spread and moisture loss.

Sugar cane is an excellent eco mulch, being a sustainable and renewable resource. Clean and environmentally friendly, this mulch is perfect for family gardens. Made from the by-product of the Australian sugar cane harvests and conveniently available in bales for easy handling, sugar cane mulch offers you an alternative to conventional mulches.

For assistance, advice or tips in your perfect selection of mulch, please call in or ring us on:

Rouse Hill Ph: 02 9629 2299
South Windsor Ph: 02 4574 3299
