02 9629 2299
Cnr Windsor & Rouse Roads
Rouse Hill NSW 2155


02 4574 3299
Cnr Racecourse & Blacktown Roads
South Windsor NSW 2756

Snow White Pebbles (20-30, 30-50, 50-70mm)

$28.00 BAG
1 T 3/4 T 1/2 T 1/4 T 20Kg Bag
“The fairest of them all”

Snow White Pebble is a roundish, smooth tumbled stone that is a very bright white colour. It brings a brilliant finish to building foyers, potted plants or small, feature or courtyard gardens.

These pebbles come in four size ranges, of 20–30 mm, 30–50 mm, 50–70 mm. They are generally more costly because they are imported, so they tend to be used more sparingly than other white stones, to create a dramatic effect. The Snow White Pebbles are only available in bags, typically of 20 kg size.

When planning for paths or larger garden areas, consider the Cowra White which we recommend as a more economical alternative.

Contact us if you’d like any tips, advice or information about the best choices for your project.

Turtle Rouse Hill Ph: 02 9629 2299
Turtle South Windsor Ph: 02 4574 3299